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I’m Jessie Baca, the owner of Sol Maven and I am a Pause Breathwork Facilitator. Pause Breathwork is a method where we use continual breathwork to break down emotions in the body that are stagnant and create heaviness on our energetic and emotional systems.

Breathwork has helped me step away from constant MIND CHATTER and into an embodied STATE OF CALM.

We all have access to this power to connect with our breath at any time. It is my mission to empower as many people as possible to connect with their own bodies and discover the wisdom that they hold within themselves.




The meditative methods are used with the intent of accessing altered states of consciousness, promoting the deepest self-healing and personal transformation. The process can be intense, yet beautifully healing. These methods are down lying down on a mat, in a quiet, peaceful space and are typically 60-75 minutes long. Currently offering sessions via Zoom.


The integrative methods are breath methods we can do during our waking life. We can use them to “take a breather” or when we are busy in our day. These are useful to reset the body and allow us to clear out the stuck emotionality and shift energy in our conscious state. These can be done sitting or lying down and are typically 30-45 minutes long. Currently offering sessions via Zoom.

I invite you to experience this EMBODIED STATE OF CALM with me, ‘cause it’s pretty dang sweet! I am offering:

1:1 a la carte sessions

Monthly packages

Bi-monthly FREE breathwork class

Click the button below to see the offerings and I invite you to watch the quick 4 minute video below that will help you prepare for your breathwork session.


I highly recommend Jessie for breathwork, she has helped me so much with emptying the clutter from anxiety, self doubt and all the crazy amounts of pressure I put on myself daily. Working with her and this method has meant so much to me, thank you!
— Brooke Williams
I have never experienced something so powerful in my body. I felt energy flowing all over me and I understand how magical humans are. I’ve tried many types of spiritual/healing work like body work, sound bath, meditation- nothing was close to this.
— Jordyn Romero
[Jessie] was compassionate, empathetic, non-judgmental. Her instructions before the session, during the session and after were impeccable. She did an awesome job describing everything and really took the time to be present and helped me enter into a healing state of mindfulness.
— Rebecca Black

What to expect post-breathwork

When we practice breathwork, our body releases old toxins and energy and also brings in new energy into our system. This is why in the days following a session, you may or may notice some changes to your physical, emotional and/or spiritual body.

You may notice some of the following, all of which are completely normal: 

Tiredness - Sometimes, we can be left feeling a little physically tired, and this may feel similar to when you do a detox. This is especially common when you have had a big energy release during the session.

Lightness & relief - Often we experience feeling a lot lighter in our mind, body and spirit. It may feel like we have released a weight or burden that we have been carrying.

Peace and new perspectives - Breathwork often offers beautiful feelings of peace or different perspectives and a sense of increased calmness, contented balance. Anxiety is reduced and there can be an accompanying feeling of freedom from tension.

Continued sensitivity - Often in a breathwork session, we are bringing things to the surface that the body is ready to release. It is possible for a few days after this release process will still continue, so you may find yourself a little sensitive or teary. Please know this is completely normal and is just a continued way of the body releasing. Its part of integrating from your session and it’s really important take care of yourself, be gentle, create time alone, or seek support if needed.

Pain Relief - If you had physical pain, you may notice that it feels different/moves.

New emotions - You may notice that new and previously unknown thoughts, feelings and emotions rise to the surface. Just notice what they are practice acceptance. See if they bring new insights, perhaps they may help you gain clarity or new perspectives.





Constant anxiety and stress are not the norm, but for many of us, it can become our default mode and something we just live with. The truth is that we all deserve to thrive, and within each of us is everything we need to reach and sustain this state of being. The key to activating this state is the breath.


The goal with breathwork is to unearth the stuck energy that prevents us from living in our highest alignment and operating in elevated frequencies. Pause breathwork uses intentional stimulation (breath, music, and movement) to regulate the nervous system and bring your body back into balance.


Breathwork is a practice of allowing our systems to see a different perspective whereby we feel deeply connected to our bodies and understand and experience the intelligence contained within our systems. Pause Breathwork is a way to heal, release, and transform.

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What is Pause Breathwork?

Pause Breathwork is a method where we use continual breathwork to break down emotions in the body that are stagnant and create havoc on our energetic systems. Breathwork is a practice of allowing our systems to see a different perspective whereby we feel deeply connected to our bodies and understand and experience the intelligence contained within our systems. Pause Breathwork is a way to heal, release, and transform.

How is Pause Breathwork different from other breathing patterns and modalities?

The core difference is that Pause Breathwork is for healing and transformation. There are a lot of breathing practices where the goal or outcome is relaxation, but with Pause, relaxation and connection are an after effect of the practice. The goal with Pause is to unearth the stuck energy that prevents us from living in our highest alignment and operating in elevated frequencies.

What are the different types of breathwork?

The Pause technique offers two different types of breathwork practices: integrative and meditative. The integrative practices are the the practices that can be used during the day, in combination with your daily activities. The intention for integrative breathwork practices is rooted in relaxation and mental clarity. The meditative practices are for transformation. Meditative practices are done lying down on a mat in privacy or with a group. Meditative practices are guided by a trained Pause Facilitator.

How is Pause Breathwork similar to Holotropic Breathwork?

There are elements of Pause that are similar to Holotropic. With Pause, we have intentionally created the journeys for specific emotional blocks, meaning the sessions are specific to the desired outcome or the theme of the session. Pause Breathwork is heavily focused on using the practice as a means of embodiment and energetic integration within our students. We use the body’s intelligence as a reference to integrate these states and frequencies in everyday life.

What are the benefits of breathwork?

Here are the most common benefits:

Immediate stress reduction & anxiety relief.
Connect with your emotions & change your response to them. Revitalizes your organs.
Gives you access to your higher power.
Reduces toxins in your body & provides an energetic release. More energy & mental clarity.
Deepens your relationship to your body.
Release trauma that has been stuck in your system for years.

What are common side effects of breathwork?

Breathwork is a completely safe practice; however, the body will respond in physical ways that may seem odd. Tetany is the most common physical side effect; it’s where your hands will curl inwards toward your heart. This usually passes within 15 minutes of completing the practice. Your ears may ring for about 20 minutes after breathwork. During the session, your body may shake, move around, or you’ll feel the need to scream. This is all part of the energetic release.

My hands are cramping - is this normal?

Yes, this is completely normal. This is called tetany, an involuntary contraction of the muscles leading to temporary paralysis of some part of the body, usually the hands, feet, face, or around the waist. It can be a little painful, but is perfectly harmless. It will pass as soon as you soften the exhale. Tetany can be caused by over breathing past the point of what the body feels is normal. It usually arises from resistance to unconscious material wanting to come to the surface. The energy escapes from our extremities--our hands--thus causing tetany to occur. Tetany in the hands can mean you’re holding onto something. If this happens, ask yourself: what am I holding on to?

I feel a lot of uncomfortable emotions. Is this part of the process?

Completely, in fact, this is exactly what we want to happen. The intention with Pause Breathwork is to release the emotions that are on the surface. The stuck energy we are holding onto needs to be released with crying, screaming, shaking, and moving the body. Each practice will be completely different. Allow for the variety - some breathwork experiences will be blissful and loving, others will be more intense. Trust that whatever experience you’re meant to have will unfold.

I am getting visuals, is this normal?

Completely normal. When we are releasing energy from the body, we will tap into emotions that call upon images from this life or previous lives. About 30% of people will get visuals when they are doing breathwork, or they will begin to get visuals the more they practice breathwork.

Is breathwork safe for pregnant women?

Breathwork is not recommend for pregnant women. The practice can create intense emotionality within the system, which may create emotional disruption for the baby. Breathwork is highly recommended prenatal to allow for the release of past trauma and to create a healthy energetic environment for the baby, as well as postnatal. Breathwork is safe to use when breastfeeding.

I have high blood pressure, is this safe for me?

If you have any medical conditions or are currently taking medication, please consult your doctor before starting breathwork. Medical conditions may include, but are not limited to, high blood pressure, depression, kidney disease, heart disease, chronic panic attacks, and asthma.

Is breathwork safe for children?

Breathwork is safe for children; however, being in an altered state of consciousness with intense emotionality might be jarring on their system. For children, sticking to the Pause Integrative Exercises will be most appropriate. This decision is ultimately up to the caregiver or parent.

How often should I do breathwork?

It’s important to listen to your body when you are checking in with this question. Breathwork is completely safe to do every single day, or twice a day. However, you want to first ask yourself, “What is my intention for my practice?” Ask yourself the why behind wanting to complete the practice. There are absolutely no downsides for increasing the duration of your sessions or the number of sessions completed on a weekly basis.